Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Road trip USA

March 2nd - March 13th = work experience at The Daily Express, and OK! Magazine. Very much looking forward to this. Maybe something will come out of it?

I've only got 6 more months in this house, and I've not got a clue what to do after that.
Nelson and I have been talking, and would lovelovelove to spend 2 months driving across the USA. Due to seasons, we have it in mind to begin this adventure mid september. So, what the hell do I do with myself between 1st august (homeless), until then? I've got far too much furniture and accumulated stuff here in Cambridge to move it back home. It's too stressful to think about.

For good measure, here is a picture of my rather messy, yet incredibly comfortable bed - I spend a lot of time here. I appreciate the warmth and cosyness.

So, travelling. Both being under 25, we realise that hiring a car out there will be too expensive, ridiculous in fact. Therefore, we are going to buy a car out there and look into all the boring insurance crap before hand. I'm sure many people have done this before, it can't be too complicated.

The roughest of rough plans so far, is as follows (partly thanks to Stephen Fry Across America):
  • Fly into New York.
  • Explore Manhattan a wee bit (i've been there a bunch before, Nelson isn't fussed, so that should save us a bunch of dollar)
  • Explore New York state a bit - it is apparently beautiful.
  • Head down to Washington DC - check out all the political stuff, bump into Obama.
  • Head south a bit - possibly going down the coast, maybe more inland - we've yet to check out the best roads.
  • End up in Georgia for a wee while.
  • Zoom through Tennessee on our way to Sweet Home Alabama.
  • Head further down through Louisiana, and into Southern Texas. I'm going to buy a hat :)
  • Head back up towards New Mexico, through to Arizona. Undecided where abouts exactly.
  • Now we're on the West Coast, the expensive, tourist stuff is going to begin!
  • Hit Vegas! Here we will be swinging by The Grand Canyon for a bit, then hitting Vegas itself, then onto Death Valley. This period will be IMMENSE but I'm so looking forward to it.
  • Whip further down to LA, where we may end the trip.
  • There is a chance we will head up the Pacific Coast to San Francisco, would be a shame not to.

All that is approximately 3 sold days of driving - about 4,000 miles. But, in 2 months, it should be grand, especially if we share the driving.

On that note, this means that starting from NOW, we are going to have to start saving about £200/£250 each per month to pay for it all. But I don't care. I'll be so gutted if this trip doesn't happen.